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Indoor Climate-Controlled Storage

Indoor Units

Indoor climate-controlled storage units maintain a consistent environment by regulating temperature and humidity levels, keeping it within a set range to prevent extreme fluctuations that could damage stored items. Additionally, dehumidifiers help manage moisture levels, minimizing the risk of mold, mildew or corrosion. These units provide a stable environment suitable for preserving sensitive belongings like furniture, electronics, documents, and other valuable items.

Indoor Storage Highlights
  • Temperature Regulation: They maintain consistent temperatures, protecting items from extreme heat or cold, which can damage sensitive belongings like electronics, wood furniture, or artwork.
  • Humidity Control: These units manage humidity levels, preventing mold, mildew, and moisture-related damage to items such as documents, clothing, or leather goods.
  • Increased Protection from Pests: Enclosed spaces in climate-controlled units help deter pests like rodents or insects, safeguarding items from potential infestations.
  • Enhanced Security: Indoor units have added security measures, such as key pad access, surveillance cameras, and on-site staff, ensuring increased safety for stored belongings.
  • Preserving Valuables: The controlled environment helps preserve the quality and integrity of valuable or sentimental items, including antiques, musical instruments, or family heirlooms, for an extended period.
Storage Units

What size storage unit do I need?

Approximately 5'x5'
The size of a small closet.
Approximately the contents of a small van.
Approximately 5'x10'
Suitable for a studio apartment.
Approximately the size of a walk-in closet.
Approximately 5’x15’
Suitable for a 1 bedroom apartment.
Approximately half the size of a single car garage.
Approximately 15’x30’
Suitable for a small 2 bedroom house.
Approximately the size of a 1.5 car garage.